First released in 2019 and now available on the Nintendo Switch, Obsidian’s The Outer Worlds is widely regarded as one of the best role-playing games of recent times. Like many other games of this type, The Outer Worlds has a number of cheats that can be used. These range from giving the player extra items to increasing their strength and attributes. Whatever the case, anyone looking for an edge will want to check out this guide for The Outer Worlds exploits.
How to enable cheats in The Outer Worlds

Keep in mind, The Outer Worlds cheats are for PC players only. That’s because the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One cannot access console commands for The Outer Worlds. However, there are some important steps to be able to use the cheat engine in The Outer Worlds.
Users will first need to unlock the developer console in order to use any cheats. To do this, it is necessary to download an unlocker or enabler. Once downloaded, players have to open up the game and load up the main menu. They can then run the cheat engine to bring up the developer console by pressing the “~” symbol on the keyboard.
What cheats are available to use in The Outer Worlds

Below are Outer Worlds console commands that can be entered to gain the required effect. To use them, players have to make sure to type them out exactly as listed below. The bolded text is the command while the rest of the text outlines the effect.
- AddCurrency [Enter Value] 1 Adds currency to the player’s inventory
- PerkPointsAdd [Enter Value] Adds perk points to the player’s character
- AddPerkPointsToCompanions [Enter Value] Adds perks points to the player’s companions
- AddItemDebug [Enter Item ID] Adds the requested item to the player’s inventory
- Fov [Enter Value] Changes the field of view of the player to the requested value
- God Gives the player unlimited HP
- SetLevel [Enter Value] Sets the player level to the requested value
- SetArmorLevel [Enter Value] Changes the player’s armor level
- SetWeaponLevel [Enter Value] Changes the player’s weapon level
- QuestStart [Enter Quest Name] Starts the requested quest
- QuestComplete [Enter Quest Name] Marks the requested quest as completed
- RpgStatAddModifierDebug [Stat] [Value] Changes the requested stat to a set value
- Teleport Transports the player directly to wherever they are looking
Now that you have The Outer Worlds cheats, you’re ready to play!
Category: Guides